Tasks ans Rules
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Registered pilots
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ECHLGF 2003 archive
Sponsored by:
Denny Maize &
Phil Barnes
Rick Walba
East Coast HLG Festival - 2004
Down East Soaring Society, Wilson, North Carolina
October 22-23-24, 2004
Cross-country and fun flying on Friday, October 22
Main contest Saturday-Sunday, October 23-24
Preliminary rounds on Saturday and Sunday morning
Best pilots get into the fly-off rounds on Sunday
Ability to change frequency for fly-off may be required
Entry fee $40.00 includes free lunch on Saturday and Sunday
Participants raffle will include HLG kits and various small goodies
Every pilot gets ONE FREE raffle ticket, additional tickets $10 each
We have 2 major donations for the pilots raffle from 2 great sponsors
PoleCat Aero
is donating an XP-4 kit (thank you Denny and Phil!)
and JR/Horizon
is donating a JR-6102 radio set!
Pre-registration is required!